Which is the fastest network in Zimbabwe?

Which is the fastest network in Zimbabwe? In a study carried out in Zimbabwe, Econet was found to be the fastest network in Zimbabwe compared to all the other Mobile Network operators, NetOne and Telecel.  

This study was done using SpeedChecker. Econet’s speed peaked at 7.56Mbps for download while it showed 4.06Mbps for upload. It was followed by NetOne which had a speed of 6.5Mbps upload and 3.08Mbps download. In last place was Telecel with 1.97Mbps download speed and 1.14Mbps for upload. 

How Good is the Internet in Zimbabwe? 

Zimbabwe has fairly good internet in comparison to most Sub-Saharan countries. In a study that compared the 49 countries in the sub-Sahara, Zimbabwe came on position 16. This is according to the report that was published by cable.co.uk titled Worldwide Broadband Speed League. 

Zimbabwe ranks number 150 in the world. The average download speed is 7.92Mbps. Our neighbor South Africa ranks number 90 in the whole world and the average download speed is 19.94Mbps. 

What is the internet speed in Zimbabwe? 

The average download speed for Zimbabwean internet is 7.92Mbps. This is a huge improvement in comparison to a few years ago, 2016 to be precise, when it was 4.6Mbps. With the ongoing improvements and investment in the latest technology, the internet speed has seen a steady rise over the past years. 

Econet is one of the leading internet service providers and it has the best network when it comes to mobile network providers. Econet is followed by NetOne with Telecel being the slowest. 

Recently Econet introduced 5G broadband in parts of Harare and it will be rolling out more in other areas. This is good news if you have a device that is 5G ready. We are talking about speeds of up to 3000Mbps!

Which WiFi is best in Zimbabwe? 

When it comes to fixed broadband there are two major players in Zimbabwe. Though there are more than ten Internet service providers the guys with the bigger chunk of the pie are Telone and Zol. 

In fact, a number of the other service providers ride on the infrastructure of these two companies. They have the most coverage within Zimbabwe. The other factors most people look at would be the speed and the pricing. 

Telone and Zol have reasonable pricing and the download speeds are over 10Mbps. That being said, a big portion of the Zimbabwean population access the internet through their mobile devices. 

This means that most people are actually using mobile broadband services as opposed to fixed broadband. For those using uncapped plans, it is mainly through LTE. All that is needed is a MiFi router and a sim card. 

This works very well for individuals who work remotely and are constantly on the move. In essence, it is the best of both worlds. The other providers to consider include Liquid Telecom, Africom, Afrihost and Telco among many others. It all depends on who has coverage in your area.