Is ZoL a Liquid Telecom Company?
Zimbabwe Online (PVT) Ltd abbreviated to Zol (now Liquid Home) was created 16 years ago. The company is a fixed broadband provider. It provisions connectivity suitable for home use. The company offers dial-up, broad-band, Wi-Max, UHF, VPN service, fibre, web hosting, secure emailing, PBX management, and collocation and operates 100 hotspots in Zimbabwe.
The company has denoted its commitment to connecting Zimbabwe through increasing local hotspots. The hotspots will be established in critical public spaces all over the country. Zol is a leading connectivity brand selling nearly 700mbps of bandwidth per month. It currently boasts 3000 domain names supported by 55 servers on three (3) continents.
When Did Zol Become a Liquid Telecom Company?
Zol became a subsidiary of Liquid Telecoms in 2012. Liquid Telecoms is a business of Cassava Technologies. Cassava Technologies is a subsidiary of the Econet Global Group. Liquid Telecoms provides independent data, voice, and IP services.
The entity supplies fibre optic, satellite, and international carrier services to telecommunications operators in wholesale to developing economies. Currently, the company operates the continent’s first satellite and optic-fibre infrastructure.
Its headquarters are situated in the United Kingdom, London. The company’s optic-fibre infrastructure extends from Cape Town in South Africa to Cairo, the capital city of Egypt. It is the continent’s largest optic-fibre enterprise and one of the most successful companies amongst the subsidiaries of the Econet Global Group. Liquid Telecoms has since rebranded to become Liquid Intelligent Technologies in 2022.
After the re-brand of the telecoms giant Liquid Telecoms to Liquid Intelligent Technologies, it was only a matter of time before its subsidiaries such as ZoL were to be re-branded. ZoL was recently re-branded to become Liquid Home. This was done to enhance the quality of the brand and consolidate its identity under the umbrella of the parent company.
The re-brand had the consequence of completely absorbing the ZOL outfit and all its accounts. The accounts of the firm were maintained and transferred to Liquid Home. Consequently, Liquid Intelligent Technologies has become a leading internet service provider in Zimbabwe.
How Did Liquid Home Transition after Acquisition?
After the acquisition of Liquid Home (formerly ZOL), the company gained massive infrastructural support through its parent company Liquid Intelligent Technologies (formerly Liquid Telecoms). The company expanded exponentially and consequently became one of the most trusted and used home internet service providers.
Working and learning from home, raised the demand for home connectivity. The consequence of the COVID 19 pandemic naturally bolstered the capabilities of the company that was already performing well. As a Liquid home, the company boasts of a staggering 60 LTE base stations. The consequence is faster and better internet connectivity all over Zimbabwe.
The Status of Liquid Home
Liquid Home is a company wholly-owned and controlled by Liquid Intelligent Technologies. It enjoys the benefits of the brand name and the massive infrastructure that comes along with the name. This facilitates efficient and high-speed internet connectivity.